Case Study 1

About the project:
We were hired by Tellabs to Upgrade Verizon's spare Home Nids FTTH to a new software level.We're talking about 2500 units to be completed in 1 week.

The problem was that these uncommon upgrades had never been done before on a mass quantity of uninstalled product. We were charged with building a facility that would allow for a large amount of product to be accessible for software to be pushed from a main control unit.

What we did:
We converted the existing lab into a macro house environment to simulate 96 homes by placing plywood on the internal walls and hanging units on the walls and connecting with short fibers to multiple control units.

Our customer was overwhelmed by our completing all 2500 units in the one week allotted time, using multiple work shifts and staff. They were extremely happy to provide an upgraded product back to its customer ahead of schedule.